Friday, July 10, 2015

I Was Framed! by David McCallum #701548

Somehow a certain comment was ‘allegedly’ made by me in a story about the folks here at Galaxy Gathering being muppets. Next thing you know, a deal has been struck between the Brotherhood and the Heroes and I’m suddenly ‘On Secondment’. I bet it was that Ron Frye who did some creative editing before it got published…

So here I am, neatly ensconced in my new office. Well, Patrick calls it an office. I suppose I could charitably agree with him once I’d removed the assorted mops, buckets and brooms. I am however a tad dubious that the blocked off pipework and porcelain chips hint at an earlier use.

The décor is a nice touch. A lot of the graffiti is quite humorous, although I’m certain that the phone numbers are well out of date. I will however take heed of the scrawled note that declares ‘The Wombat is Watching You…’

Cue theatrical sigh. I suppose I’d better have a look at this brief that Pat left so I can introduce myself as the newest member of GG staff.

Who am I? Well, David McCallum, currently serving in Heroes Support but in game (apart from when I was a newbie freelancing) I’ve only ever been with the Heroes. Except when I was a Smurf a few times. And once as an Exile. Although I’m not sure they count as they were Faction War groups. See, honest as the day is long, that’s me.

In real life I’m an ex-pat Brit living in New Zealand, which shows a certain amount of irony on management’s part as I get taken on so I could mind the shop on July 4th while the US based boys went and get sozzled. Having younger kids gives me an excuse for never having to grow up and since the youngest appears to think that anything walking, shooting and made of metal is just the coolest thing ever, I kind of got swept along with it and found myself in Mecha Galaxy for the last year and a half. That’s after a lifetime of gaming of all sorts of type and genre.

Likes? See above, plus winding up my clan mates. And raccoons. Raccoons are cool and bring you the best raid loot. Oh, and I quite enjoy story writing too, although that’s probably a thinly veiled disguise for winding up my clan mates.

Dislikes? Nah, not really. Rivals however are a different matter. Admittedly most of those are in clan, as there’s some pretty fierce competition goes on for the best kill ratios at war time… or even in practice. And there’s a certain mutt who’s going to get his comeuppance one of these days. As for other clans, you can always get a decent scrap from the Bunnies, Smurfs and Exiles. Lately however we’ve apparently annoyed the Steel Vipers and they are out for us. Those have definitely been some nail biting battles from our point of view.

I’m probably classed as a slow leveler, being unable to compete in most KOTM events due to the time difference with the US, and I only occasionally make a foray into circuit fights if I’m despicably short of funds. My favourite mech is really dependant on mood… My best raid prize is my ‘Thesis ‘Wellington’, my best achievement mechs are split between my Smilodon ‘Aurora’ (gold medal prize from Rise of the Specialists) and my 3 matched sets of Dreadnoughts and Megazomes won during the Faction Wars.

Hopefully over the coming weeks I’ll be able to bring something new to the site. Maybe perspective, maybe style, maybe ideas.

Until then I guess I just need to make the best of things and make myself at home…

Submitted by David McCallum #701548