Friday, August 8, 2014

Rabid Bunny Hatoraide

“Nifty McConsumer here with GG Consumer Reports on Raging Vengeance labs alternative to the wildly popular Death’s Rage Hatoraide (Fire in your belly, hair on your chest). I am here with Defenders of Bunny Public Relations officer Christine Mainer. So Christine, what made you choose to take part in the initial trials of Rabid Bunny Hatoraide (Put the Frisk back in death risk!)?

“Well Nifty, I could tell you that the need to eat about a pound of bacon after every Hatoraide binge was killing my figure and complexion as much as it was killing my enemies, but the fact is AFF labs were telling the truth about the side effects; it really does put hair on your chest. Not popular with the ladies of the Smurf and Bunnny Clans. When Raging Vengeance had a lady friendly Rabid Bunny alternative, what could I say, we were on it like Rabid Bunnies!”

Nifty shot the audience an understanding grin before turning back to Christine. “What side effects have you noticed since the initial trial?”

Christine blushed “Well, there is a certain amount of extra friskiness with any Bunny formula, and the Super Hatoraide version probably is responsible for my last daughter, and my first King of the Mountain Gold (Single Rainbow). But I can state that there are no traces of the acne, high cholesterol, or chest hair associated with traditional Hatoraide. It really is all the hate, none of the hair.”

“There you have it folks, straight from the Bunny’s mouth. Rabid Bunny Hatoraide, all the hate, none of the chest hair. Side effects may include heightened friskiness, chocolate cravings. Habitual use may lead to pregnancy and King of the Mountain gold. Back to you in the studio Pat”

Submitted by John T Mainer 28840