Saturday, August 23, 2014

Finders Keepers

 Drohchah oh-Thyehgr, you time-traveling bastard, you'll see what we "descendents of apes" are truly capable of.  We heard your broadcast carried over all the channels so arrogantly.  You think you're the first challenge threatening to enslave humanity?

My friend Drake and I have put down other, (albeit smaller scale) threats to human civilization before and let me tell you bub, you weren't around for more than a hundred thousand years of our evolution, so who do you think you are to be telling us what to do?

Though I've not myself fought extraterrestrial threats extensively I'd like to call upon the experts, veterans of such past threats as the Gorak Swarm.  We must band together my brothers, in a Coalition for Human Fighters.  I know that the Forerunners are not invincible because I myself am a transfected human who is part one (a small fraction)... if pricked they will still bleed and the way Drochah has been ruffling feathers there is definitely going to be lots of blood. His blood.

This demand for tribute in human space I call out as saber rattling.  The Coalition will not sit idly by and let this outsider bully our worlds.  We will have a meeting though amongst representatives from various clans and governments to ascertain an appropriate course of action though.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744