Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Creeping Chill Weapon Review

First off the basics, this has a level requirement of 70 on it although some have been given away as prizes for various raids, wars, KOTM etc. To outright buy one you will need 1,650 Ferrite, 1,000 Bioptics and, 53 niodes. It has a damage of 95 and like most ice weapons has a slower speed of 98. It has a freeze ability of 30% and a slow ability of (5) attached to it.

This is a great little ice weapon for things like your Freon, Frigis, and Nifthel given they are ice based mechs to start with. Further augmentation of the abilities as usual can be found with proper equipment set up. Thse weapons are on the strong side and are great to see in action when you coat another mech in a sheer ice casing. I love them on my Frigis set ups and see them routinely go off wasting what they hit. Underestimate these weapons at your own peril, and if you don't own any yet for your ice set ups well quit reading and go buy a few!

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534