Friday, August 8, 2014

Hunting A Story, Ignis Origins Part 6

 “As Kellek had spent his past five years building mechs, Roah hadn’t been idle,” the Niodemancer explained. “Roah had been working as well on something for all that time. He had spent the better part of the five years devising a sub routine for the gate system which would give a course correction should anything try breaking through from the past or the future, it would find itself in the present of whichever gate the routine was running on.

There were a great many trials and complications involved with the space time formula and not a few major disasters for those sent through the gate to see if it worked. Some came back in pieces if they came back at all; others came back howling like animals, their living mechs likewise mad as a hatter. They had apparently slipped into other dimensions where the rules of reality did not sit right as was understood over here. Reports were garbled and the survivors mentioned glowing eyes, angular proportions as opposed to here where things are more curved, mechs that did not look right at all, with odd instruments in place that apparently allowed them to move like quicksilver. As all time can be found in any space you choose to go to depending on coordinates, so too can all dimensions be accessed as they are likewise linked to time. As Roah delved deeper into this mystery trying to prevent any further mishaps his House along with many other formidable houses decreed that time travel, dimension hopping, and unauthorized use of gateways was punishable by exile if not death itself.

None of the ruling houses desired to loose what they had spent so much time achieving due to someone going back on the behalf of an enemy house and wiping them out before they could come to power. All this took the five years Kellek was spending building his one hundred and fifty machines to assault the fallen city of Torreth. When Kellek did finally send his mechs through piloted by his loyal five altered warriors and the rest with advanced drones the program kicked in, and for the most part it worked… for the most part. The gate wound up scattering the majority of the Ignis across time and space alike depositing them on as many worlds as there are gates. Some wound up in the distant past to be found finally by humanity, others got flung far into the future, in the end only thirty of Kelleks designs made it into the present as we understand it to try and retake the city.

Kellek was by this point quite mad with rage and descended on the city with god like wrath. He destroyed everything he could with his thirty Ignis. Wave after wave of Skraig, Nakshi, and Gigus fell to the might of the ninety ton monsters. But in the end it was a numbers game Kellek could not hope to win. If he had his original one hundred and fifty creations he may have stood more of a chance, as was the House of Fraalleenn was well prepared for his return. They had amplified their beast machine production, installed turrets and cannon emplacements all along the path from the gate to the city itself. They had even heavily mined all access routes to and from the city which recognized only Fraalleenn coded mechs. The now ruling house had spent the last five years very wisely and it was costing Kellek dearly.

Realizing his cause was a lost one, Kellek made one last push for his old lab where the gate he had originally made with the crystalline parts stood. He thought if he could get to that one gate he could use it to go back and tell himself of all that had befallen. He did not know Roah had also taken such a plan of action into account and had likewise “fixed” that gate. He had arranged it as a dimensional portal as opposed to a temporal one. The Fraalleenn would be rid of Kellek once and for all.

Kellek was allowed to fight his way to the lab rather than be destroyed outright, he was allowed to exit his mech unmolested, and approach the gate. He was not allowed to carry out his plans one bit though. As he stepped into the gate weird energies, odd harmonics, and nausea swept over him as he was deposited in another dimension. Roah watched everything and smiled with glee as his most hated enemy was swallowed up by the gate.

Because that was the original gate it was still tied to the coordinates of Earths’ orbit, this caused an immense energy discharge. When it hit the planet it set off a series of volcanic events that buried the gate back in the Jurassic period under tons and tons of lava. Perhaps it is still there perhaps not none know where to even begin to look aside from abstract references to the western hemisphere of North America. Roah did however find a way to keep tabs on Kellek by using the same basic methods he had employed to talk to Kellek across all those thousands of years. Utilizing the unique dimensional energies given off by the original crystalline gate Roah had recorded Kelleks movements to a degree in this strange unknown place, a place he dubbed the Negaverse.

It was a place of mutations, strange beings, mechs the likes of which we would not understand, piloted by a version of the Forerunners who were even more cruel, merciless, and amoral than those in this universe. Worst of all they had seemed to embrace Kellek. So it was that Roah stood watch for the possible return of Kellek, and the Ignis got deposited far and wide across the stars. Some still have the advanced drones still in em, containing Kelleks original notations, observations, and even schematics for other deadly mechs based off of the creatures of the period he found himself in.

That my boy, is where the ole Captains knowledge of these matters comes to an end, I have details even, some maps concerning the subject, and they would do you no good at all though. Too many time space variables, too many dangers to be encountered, why some may even toss you right outta this world! So this is my story on the subject. I bid you good day and many quick kills; if you’ll excuse me I am now tired and wish to rest.”

I finally switched off the voca-corder, the ideas going round and round in my head. Time travel, Forerunners, other dimensions, mechs based on ancient life forms from earth. Suddenly my head seemed too full. I staggered to my comms station and keyed in the central channel for accepting transmissions. “Status code 5987-632-4421-.01,” I said into the system. “Set for immediate full encryption download of incoming transmission, and disperse to all channels and affiliates at once.” The station gave me the confirmation of the order as I finally passed out dreaming of mechanical once men telling me stories of ancient and terrible things. While the voice of Johnathan Judas once again told what he knew to the entire glalaxy.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534