Sunday, April 9, 2017

Interns & Rumors - Part 1 By John Ringo #899287

This day was dragging on and on. The rain hitting my window was doing nothing to lift my spirits as I waded neck deep through a pool of paper work on my desk. Even the up-tempo techno music ripping though my sound system was not doing much more than making my feet tap along in time. Collating printouts and making sure all the receipts were properly filed for the staff expense reports was not how I wanted to spend my day. Life as an Intern sure is glamorous I thought to myself with an extra dose of sarcasm. Maybe I should take a break from this and go clean out the coffee pots or sweep the hallway just to mix things up a bit so I do not fall into a coma. I start to get up from my chair when my terminal chimed letting me know Ken Hicks wanted to talk to me. I hit the accept button and his face fills my screen.

“How is it going John? Are you done with those expense reports yet?” He said trying to keep the smirk off his face.

I stifled a groan as I replied “I would have been done by now if a certain person had bothered to keep his receipts in his staff issued water proof wallet as per company procedure. Most of them are barely readable at all and smell like you kept them in your shoe!”

Ken started laughing. “I had to keep them somewhere! You know I forgot my wallet and press pass in my office when I went on that trip. It is very lucky that I have a famous and handsome face or I would not have been able to finish my assignment.”

“I have spent the last 5 hours calling all the shops, pubs and hotels you visited on your last trip.” I retorted. “It was extremely difficult getting them to shut up about how happy they were the great and famous Ken Hicks visited their humble establishment so I could get a word in edgewise and ask for a copy of your receipts. One guy even recited me a poem he wrote about how you blew your nose and dropped the handkerchief on the floor and blessed his pub. He has the hankie in a display box behind the bar.”

“Yeah it has tough being me sometimes.” He beamed. “Well enough re living my glorious travels. I called you for a progress report and to let you know I have added a few more items to your task list. We have to keep you busy and out of trouble you know.”

This time I did groan before I could stop myself. “You could also keep me very busy with real reporting work instead of this list of mish mash busy work that was left over from who knows when.”

“Ok, ok. He said with his hands raised up in a defensive posture. “You can stop what you are doing and leave it for later. The last reason I called is because Patrick wants to see you in his office right away.” He reached for the end call button and my screen went back to my desktop.

“Ken, you dork. You could have just said that in the beginning and saved me some time.” I said. I would have to double time it to Patrick’s office now so I do not get on his bad side. I wonder what he has for me?

To be continued…

Submitted By John Ringo #899287