Friday, April 21, 2017

CW3322 - WTF? By John Ringo #899287

This clan war everyone from the largest clan family to the smallest independent clan are getting ready to chase after and battle the Pirate King. We all needed at least one of the available four specialists to be a 20T so many of us updated or created that formation knowing we would be facing that one for sure in this battle. Everyone got busy and slipped into the comfortable traditions and superstitions that make up each clans war preparations. The division brackets were announced and with them came an early release of the war prizes. Almost everyone was happy and surprised to see what we would a be fighting so hard to win before the first shot was fired. Next the betting dens opened up for business and all the pilots who are inclined to take part in the betting chances this war got busy looking over the divisions to figure out who would be this wars winner and bring home some extra niodes from their hoped for winnings.

Almost a day later something happened the caused the MG Player Page and clan chats to heat up. Every AFF clan in this war had their names changed to XEON and each clan page has the XEON logo and motto. This change after the clans were locked and after the divisions were made public could only have been done by Nick Shaperio and his team. The question on everyone’s mind is to what end is this change for? Will this be just for a laugh? Will this create event lore that will live on in the history of the game? Are the players and leadership in AFF getting any extra niodes, gear, weapons or mechs for taking part in this? Who’s idea was this… Nick and team or was this put forth by a player? Only time will reveal answers to some or all of these questions.

At the time of this writing Bob Goetz stated on the Players Page that the AFF was not dead and an article in A.N.N would be forthcoming to shed some light on these changes.

Now most of us are in this to kick mech ass and collect our prizes so we can build stronger formations and do it all over again the next war and do not get into the lore details to deep. But this change feels a little last second and clumsy. Why make the changes after the divisions are out and public? If you wanted to bet this war and did not get it done asap when the betting opened you had a lot more work than normal to sort through the clans, figure out who was who and then make sure you clicked on the right “XEON” in the divisions that had more than one in the same division on your betting sheet. The seasoned betting veterans might have found this to be not too big of a deal but what about newer players to this game who might be trying to bet for the first time? Did any of them give up in confusion over this? I hope the answer is there were none but unless they speak up we might never know.

Right now there is less than one hour left until we get this party started so I leave you all to your final checks and preparations. I hope you all have lots of fun over the next three rounds and I look forward to joining with you all to kick some pirate ass in the after-war raid!

See you on the battlefield. *Salute*

Submitted By John Ringo #899287