Sunday, April 17, 2016

Front Line Fight KOTM On Now By Pat Willis#224534

As the title says there is a front line fight KOTM going on now, at the time of the writing it has about 2 days and 7 hours left to go before it ends. I personally enjoy these KOTM's  mainly because it allows you to make a front line out of your best, or most favorite mechas, and stock them full of as much of your biggest and best weapons/equipment combinations possible.

As many KOTM are this one is also brutal because you better believe every one else is stacking the deck in as much of their favor as possible as you are.

But as it is a front line fight just as the name implies only your front line mechas may fight. So depending on your level and formation available to you this is also a varied event to watch. Some participants have 3 mechas, some have 4, and some have 5. It offers a wide variety in viewing. Also at this point it offers a distraction from the current clan wars going on to those who have no clan or have decided for whatever reason not to participate.

So load up your front line as best as possible and come on in to the tourney see what devastating front lines are on display. Maybe even test yourself against one, see how you fare as pilot.  Just be sure to bring your A game, cause everyone else is bringing theirs.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534