Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Gigabot Swarm Equipment Review By Kenneth Hicks#846092

For a long time now, the big boys of the BFM Class of mecha have been missing several different aspects of equipment that are common place among other classes. A lot of this has to deal with sheer size of machine that you are working with. When you have engine designs that constitute taking an entire other mech and putting them on a hamster wheel, you know you have room for improvement with design. And this brings us to the Gigabot Swarm. The first attempt at trying to introduce AI repair technology to these modern behemoths.

The Gigabot Swarm engine is in essence a reactor hooked up in tandem to an AI server that powers a plethora of repair bots. Designed similarly to nanobot swarms, but on a larger scale, the GS is able to be a self-sustaining unit of healing and protection, while siphoning the extra power it creates off into the mech itself. The repair-bots give the mech a repair capacity of two, are able to shore up armor in areas being hit, so an armor enhancement rating of nine, and can reinforce joints to give it an extra rating boost in its dodge capabilities as well. Tiny dynamos in the repair-bots themselves generate power through the regular movement created, sending this back to the server mainframe which in turn feeds to the mech for a speed boost of two.

Several pilots have already raised question to the low speed enhancement as the GS takes up an engine slot in a mech class that already has serious speed issues. But you must remember, because of the sheer scale that technicians are working with, it takes a lot of excess energy to power an army of automatons to repair and protect your mech. Two help alleviate the negatives of less power, techs have also now created Zentron Thrusters for the BFM Class, which will give your 100 tonner the most speed of any engine with no kickback. Pair the two together, and you still come out with good speed enhancement with repair and armor (and no Anzu blowing up in your hold next to the ammo cache).

So the next time you back that Fext out of the bay to go take part in some booty looting, remember to make sure the ground crew hooked up your newly modified niode toys. They’ll make sure to keep you safe, with less of a chance of blowing up from within.

Submitted by Kenneth Hicks#846092