Saturday, March 26, 2016

Ifrit's Gift By Pat Willis#224534

Today we are looking at the new niode fire weapon which is available for players level 8 and up. Please note it is a limited release weapon so act now to get one as there are no limits or restrictions to this weapon.

As this is a level 8  weapon there isn't much to compare it to at its level or even beneath it so we'll have to look at the higher level weapons to get an idea of how this one stacks up.

So the next fire weapon up as I see in the shop is the Red Plasma, available at leve1 19 it has 27 straight damage, 105 speed, and a weapon ability of Burn at 6%.

The Ifrit here has straight damage beat with a 35 compared to the 27, only has obe point off of speed with 104 as opposed to 105, and has two weapon abilities of Burn at 4% and 2X damage at 4%.

All in all this is actually a wicked weapon for being available to so low a player level. It pretty much beats out a weapon 11 or so levels higher than itself. So really no reason not to add it to your flame arsenal.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534