Friday, August 14, 2015

New Year Celebrations by David McCallum #701548

2 hours to midnight : 

Well, the community has been told we will have some pretty big celebrations with the New Millennium in Mecha Galaxy.

First off we had a very quick turnaround from Mechalympix to get prepared for a celebratory old style Clan war.

Next we have had a countdown sale, with all weapon and munitions suppliers getting in behind a decent discount for their customers.

Then came an early announcement of the prizes for the Clan War, and every clan that gets a medal is in line for mechs! Big payout just there for taking your life into your hands for the enjoyment of the masses.

And now an inkling of movement around the Pirate Moon with some mini-bosses unlocking? Maybe the rum runners are gearing up for party time.... whatever the reason, fireworks are going off early as clans circle the moon to brush up on their
pirate hunting skills...

Will keep things updated as we wait for the tolling of the bell, the big fireworks and the ticker tape.

Oh, and hopefully the New Year sales!!!

20 minutes until New Millennium :

The Pirate moon is open and there is a race on as mecha pilots mete out some Justice that has been almost 3 years in the waiting!

And its not a bad mission for a newbie to take on Captain Kilgore. But watch out, that timer is only 1 hour, but that's going to be a very nice haul for any newbies who can make it in time.


And with it, presents for all pilots! Fire weapons, a niode stash, extra competitions and new equipment releases.

Ooooh, and those sales!!!

Celebrations are short lived however, as pilots soon get news of the Clan War divisions and are rushing to their bays to do last minute ordering of parts and weapons while they try to work out their best and newest battle formations.

With just another quick pop at those pirates of course....

Submitted by by David McCallum # 701548