Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Jack Myers#396694 Clan War Interview With Mark Wiseman#12304

Welcome fans of carnage and mayhem.  This is Jack Myers with a member of the Black Star Lycan Rangers Spaaace Ghooost.  Congrats on your round 1 win in division 5.  looks to be quite an interesting division to be in this war.  I see a lot of good match ups this war.  Are there any in particular you are looking forward to?

It will be interesting to see how we line up against Death's Dinobots. It looks like they added 3 low-level players to try and fall down to a lower division, or maybe just to stay where they were. Their players seem to have gained levels faster than we have. I don't know if they were trying to drop a division or just avoid going up to a higher division, but it will be interesting to see if that ends up hurting them in the fight - or not.

I personally think thy were aiming for d6 and just missed, but who knows.  The game has offered us a wide variety of challenges and quests, both personal and clanwise.  What are your favorites and least favorites?

Personally, I like to fight for Gold in the KOTM events, to test my skills and my line-ups in a variety of situations. I have aimed to spread my Skill Points out evenly, and try to make a good showing - no matter what event I come to. I suppose that loading up on Cannons or Lazers does have it's advantages for those events, though. The thing I don't like sometimes are the level differences you can find within the same division. That was especially noticeable during the first Circuit Clan-War. Having level differences of more than 60 or 70 levels was just sad, because it gives some people no chance and no incentive to participate. I would like to see the levels within divisions addressed at some point, in some way.

A lot of people don't even try for gold anymore because they don't want the big xp gain and getting bumped for 4 fights.  Kinda a double whammy in my opinion but it can be fun when people are trying to win it.  So the big question......What do you think of the pirate moon boss finally being unlockable?

Well, first off, a funny thing happened to me last week: I won the gold medal in the Cannon Ball event, but the last 2 KOTM events I have signed up for have still dropped me into Division 3. For some reason, I have not been bumped up a division for 4 KOTM's. IDK if that's a technical glitch by the event organizers, caused by Toshiko, or if Moltar was finally able to find a weakness on his own to help me exploit even more advantages out of the events. One thing is for sure, though - BATMAN went bat-$#!t crazy upon learning about this. As far as the Pirate Moon missions opening up again goes, all I can say is exactly what's on everyone else's mind: IT'S ABOUT TIME !

Well, they had 3 or 4 short kotm's on the games b-day

That's true - I hadn't considered that. Perhaps that's the reason - some part of the rules got lost in the shuffle in an attempt to organize multiple events?

Very easy to do.  Was a busy B-day Bash for mecha galaxy.  Between all the circuit fights and kotm's as well as preparing for the clan war, it was a busy and festive day for everyone.  Since it was the 3rd B-day, What do you think of how everything has changed from the beginning?

The game keeps getting better. Sometimes new content seems to take forever to develop. I remember when there were no slots for equipment on mechs - everything was pretty straightforward, tonnage was king. Now, there is quite a lot of variety in how you can set up your mechs. More events, different types of events, these things are good. I am interested to see when and how the Wave Challenges develop in the future.

That would be quite interesting to see.  Thanks for your time spaaace ghoooost.  best of luck to you and the Black Star Lycan Rangers this war.

Submitted by Jack Myers #396694 and Mark Wiseman #12304