Sunday, August 21, 2016

Apocalyptor Of The Jadoon Mecha Spotlight

This mech is special to me, while not sentient in the traditional sense like your Skraig, Gigus, or Nakshi it is aware. It is crystalline based as opposed to niode and is imbued with an insectoid intelligence yet no biological systems or organic material are to be found anywhere on or within the mech. Somehow it retains a consciousness and is most definitely self aware. One day soon I hope to crack this mystery and reveal it to the Galaxy at large, for now we'll all just have to settle on the basic modifications I have made to the mech for its current battle prowess.

To start with the brains of this mech are very simple as it already comes with a highly complex system for detecting energy fluctuation, I further modified that ability by giving it all Sensor Arrays. Nothing fancy here really just bonuses to its precision and added damage bonuses to the already deadly laser weapons the mech employs as is. Chassis is likewise simple utilizing Muon Junctions across the board for dodge, a fork ability and a freeze potential. Engines are likewise pretty simple with all Heat Cyclers, doesn't make it the fastest mech granted but it does allow for it to move at a good clip for so heavy a mech.

Weapon systems in keeping with the design of the mech set to maximize laser damage I went a little niode happy with its guns. His main back cannons were taken apart and I installed two Rage Pulsars, then the minor laser banks received my fave bank of five Black Widows (stripped from my other mechs to go to better use on a laser based machine), a Flavian Spear for fun, three Heat Lasers, four Kaos Beams taken from my Dilophos mech, a King Cobra laser system I picked up somewhere along the line, two Cat's Eye Mega beams I got, a couple of  Hack Lasers, a Duboce, and the rest filled in with Galaxy Eyes.

All in all the modifications allow for a 36% fork ability, dodge and precision both coming in the 60's, and laser damage at +87%. This is a work in progress of course as I learn more about the strange critter that is the Jadoon of course I will modify it further to increase and capitalize on its unique abilities. As stands now it is no slouch in the damage department, the  on board insect intelligence seems pleased with hard work and effort that have gone into it thus far. With his guidance and teaching I hope to make Apocalyptor one of the baddest little crystal mechs out there. Time will tell if I succeed.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534