Friday, June 10, 2016

Equipment Review – Telum Delta Shield By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092

First off, I’m not some “Old Timey” guy who’s been sitting at the Comms desk of a drop ship ever since the Red Ant was considered some sort of new innovation (lookin’ at you Pat). But, I have been around long enough to say this is the first time that I’ve seen a Shield Sale as opposed to an overall Equipment sale happen, and with it, a new line of shields, the Delta class.

The Telum Delta sells for 507 ferrite, 447 Bioptics (non plague version please) and 37 niodes during this sale. Now what’s pretty awesome about this thing is it’s a combination Projectile and ice shield giving you 25% and 13% protection accordingly. On top of that it gives you a bonus +27 to your overall protection with a minimal 8% vulnerability to lasers to boot.

This shield is made for the 75-95 ton range, so will really help when facing down those Boreas, Glaccus, Antithesis, Dreadnoughts, and other specialty mechs that so many of us have seen go poof in a hail of lead and, well… hail.

While this sale is going, I think it suffices to say that the new Delta line of specialty niode shields should be flying off of the rack like hot cakes so make sure to get down to the armory and pick yours up today!