Sunday, June 19, 2016

Battle One Breakdown By Kenneth Hicks ID#846092

Hi there and welcome to the Battle One Breakdown of Clan Wars 3312. We’re going to see who’s hot, who’s not, and who’s just plain attending the School of Hard Knocks.

First off, to begin the war, we had some controversy over Division 20. Several Pilots were upset over the fact that a single person owned almost all the accounts in that division, giving him an unfair advantage over determining a winner, which bothered bookies and betters alike.

Before things got out of hand though, The Chef, Nick Shapiro stepped in and diffused the situation by dropping the Division altogether. Now, will this bring any changes or issues over alt accounts in the future? Possibly, only time will tell.

In Divisions one and two, we had zero surprises. Fusion and PhoenixStorm both steamrolled Highlanders and Spirit of Bunny, while Zeon and The Brotherhood walked over the non-competing Bounty Hunters and Clan Hell’s Horses. These two divisions have been ruled by these four clans so long it’s hard to think back to when there was anyone who could stand up to them.

In Division three, Death’s Collector’s made an instant impact on arrival after its dominance in division four by hammering new comer Fission Dragons 167 to 54. Fission Dragons are new to the Division so many are keeping an eye on this group to see what they can do. Also the Misfit Toys beat down a highly improved and persistent Star League 151 to 83. This Division has some promising potential in it for future wars.

In Division four, we had MurderBots, ~Heroes~, and Slaughter House 5 all advancing readily, but the real battle came between Avengers of Bunny and the Myth & Legends Black Cat Armored Division. Bunny got the win, but the Black Cats made them fight for the privilege.

Division five had more of the same with Smurfs, Black Star Lycan Rangers, and Heroes Support all winning handily. The Brotherhood Black watch managed to pull off a surprise upset over the Browncoats, so Battles 2 and 3 might prove interesting in that division.

Division six had a close one between Bunny and the Omegas Rowdie Bunch, 128-98, while Phoenix, Diamond Dragons, and Black Star Rising Sun all advanced readily.

Division seven saw Death’s Revenge, Steampunk Dragons, Rusty Blades and 101 Spartan Division advance. No real surprises in that field, so we’ll wait to see what round two brings.

Division Eight had a very close fight between Opal Dragons and Death’s Disciples with the Disciples taking the match by 14 points. Ronin(KISS) and Ruby had slightly easier matches while HF: Dragoons beat HeroesII by a score of 47 to 12 proving that soccer isn’t the only sport where low scoring happens.

Division nine saw the Brotherhood Highlanders tail stomp the Space Monkey Mafia, BSB and Smurfs both advance, while Ronins and HF Mobile Infantry had a close bout with Ronins taking it 49 to 40.

Division ten saw both the battle hardened Samurai Mecha and Sapphire Dragons advance. Omegas Borg Army got the jump on the Smurfs, while newcomers 1st Beagle Guard smashed the 110th.

Division eleven saw Arcane Sanctuary make a comeback against the Vipers, Thunderbird just absolutely crush Mad Pork, Crystal Dragons wallop up on Wolf Clan, and a very tough match up between Death’s Stalkers and ITC with Stalkers pulling it out in the end.

In twelve we saw Gold and Emerald Dragons show dominance, 103 Centurions and Death’s Destroyers also win handily, and a very enticing look to the future of a possible Gold/Emerald match up.

Thirteen had the Smurf War Patrol, Sniper Camp, Huns, and Grim Reapers winning with very little drama, fourteen had Extraordinary Gentlemen, Red Alert, Topaz Dragons, and NERV all proving they can take care of business.

And honestly, fifteen through nineteen were all pretty straight forward with no surprises, and fairly predictable cake walks.

So that’s a wrap on Battle One as it goes into the archives folks! I hope everyone had fun today, and is ready for Round two on Monday. For now, this is Kenneth Hicks signing off.
May your mechs make crits and your techs find niodes.