Wednesday, May 25, 2016

There's Room for Everyone by David McCallum #701548

You know, its a big old sandpit that Nick lets us play in.

And because so many of us play here, there's bound to be some differing opinions on how the game should be played.

Yes, there's the age old argument over pay players and free players, or the somewhere in between players.

There are those that camp.

Those that play steady and cautious.

Those that analyse and plan.

Some that go off like a frog in a sock.

Some who criticize and say their way is the best.

Others who live and let live.

There are those who help, nurture and advise, bringing along the weakest until they can stand with the strongest.

Still more who advocate that might is right and only the fittest should survive.

There are those in it for the teamwork and camaraderie and those who believe it is a solo game where it should be every being for themselves.

Its called a community, and it takes all of those points of view to keep things interesting.

And you should note that I named no names in that list. I didn't have to, because as you read each phrase, you knew who it described.

And if we were to ask any two players, their list of names would be different.

Sometimes it pays to remember that we have these differing play styles and respect them rather than get bent out of shape.

It is after all, only a game.

Submitted by David McCallum #701548