Monday, March 23, 2015

Nifthal Review By Steve Ross#162076

A base level Ice beast for those finding their feet with the different weapon categories. This cold hearted maiden weighs in at a slight 40 tons. She arrives in an attractive iron gray ball-gown and sports the ability to freeze the most aggressive of suitors. Is she worth it? Let's dig a bit deeper shall we?

Those early doors pilots who are seeking their first TRUE snow monster need to be at least level 19. To lay your frosty paws on this sub-zero honey you have to lay down a cool 1800 ferrite, a cooler 1200 bioptics, and a very frosty 80 crystal.

The ice-maiden comes loaded with 4 x sleet storms and an advanced cannon. Not a bad opening arsenal for our junior members. Speed wise? Fair enough, she's no sprinter, but with the right back up in the line she can put the slow-to-stop on any like-wise leveled opponent. Another thing to consider is the fact that recent months have seen ice guns getting faster and faster. Suddenly the arctic wastes are looking more and more like a race track, right?

From the build she has a slow+ modifier, which get's greater with upgrading. If you hit the magic '50' sweet spot, you get a whopping +10 to that slow. It's the balanced fighter who can utilize their armory that can really make the arctic gales rattle their opponent's walls here.

Conclusion: Not a super-quick girl on her own, the Nifthal is a support mech, but she makes good gain of those cold batteries that do not suit other mechs. She won't last in the level stakes and does become obsolete fairly early on, but she's cheap and affordable with damned fine ice mods throughout her fast lived life.

Definitely worth considering as an initial line-backer.

Submitted by Steve Ross#162076