Friday, March 13, 2015

Long Bow Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

This is a Niode based missile system you will see as a prize for some KOTM as such we have no pricing information or level requirement to own one. What we do know is it does 38 straight damage, with a speed of 87, and the ability of Fork at 50%

Fork is just a killer ability to hit simultaneous targets in one shot, most of the new bigger mecha come with Fork as an ability built in to the mecha. Perfect for missile heavy mecha this weapon system is great for lower level to mid tier players. Granted you will need to upgrade to bigger and better weapons at some point, however until then this missile is a good back up to have in your arsenal. The Fork at such a higher percentage means it will most likely go off often or at least half the time your mecha fires it off. Good for you, painful for your enemy.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534