Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pebble Bed Reactor Equipment Review by Pat Willis#224534

An engine piece that is for 50-70 ton mechs. It will cost you 315 Ferrite, 220 Bioptics, and 47 Crystal. This engine piece just has the rating of Speed +14, no other frills.This is a work horse of a engine. As the tonnage is mid-range it will fit into a variety of mechas.

Its only bonus is the speed at +14 but given multiple engine slots for most mecha within that tonnage range it really is a great way to get  your  mecha going and build it up to speed fast. It is a pretty basic straight forward crystal engine and as such doesn’t supply anything beyond the speed bonus but when stacked with multiples of this little engine you will certainly notice the difference.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534