Saturday, July 16, 2016

Another Look At The Keradon By Pat Willis#224534

I did a mecha review on this model once before but I thought it deserved another looking at. This model of mecha was my first real taste of a niode mecha in my rookie piloting days. Something about it for a lower level just starting out is highly appealing, well at last it was for me. It served me long and well until it finally came time to retire it and replace it with bigger stronger mecha.

What makes the Keradon so special you may ask, well it starts off with the abilities of Trample 3%, and x3 damage in its build. These of course go higher as it levels up and it gets the secondary ability of x2 damage. With proper equipment these can be monsters in and of themselves. The trample damage is always a great ability and the times two and three damage can often reduce higher tonnage/level mechs to molten slag. The weapons it comes equipped with aren't bad but you would be smart to change them out when you can as you will out grow them quickly.

The mech itself is handy to hold onto for slot fillers in your formation as you get into bigger and badder mechs, also they come in handy for lighter tonnage events. They are not the speed demon that the fabled Smilodons are, but they are no slouches either. They hit hard and make their presence felt on the battlefield. They are a wise investment either for the immediate future or even for the short term and wind up collecting dust in your hanger until a particular event comes along, in any event these will make many pilots happy and pack a hell of a punch.

They have a long and proud history of serving across the galaxy, it becomes more apparent as to why this is when you see one in action. Properly outfitted in weapons and equipment they can hold the line with the best of them. Oh they will succumb to heavy fire, or a crit kill like any mecha, but they will give one hell of a show before they go down.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534