Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another Day at the Circuit Fights By Nick Quesadilla #871854

So you’re here for another story huh? Well I suppose I could use another drink so I'll tell you another one of my glorious tales. Back when I was a starting pilot circuit fights was an illegal type of act. If any mech battled each other on bets then you would be quartered and charged. I needed the money to upgrade my mech so I decided “hey…is it really illegal if I don’t get caught?” I entered this Circuit fight not knowing what I was in for. I walked up to a rather large and muscular man. He told me “You here for the oil?” I replied “Yeah..careful though last time it went everywhere.” He realized I knew the code the oil going everywhere stood for a destroyed mech in the ring and he decided to let me in. Millions of thoughts were rushing through my head, I heard the screams and laughter of civilians winning or losing all of their savings.

I knew that speed was crucial in a circuit fight, most people think biggest hits are the key but if your faster you can evade. That’s why I am going to enter my axe bot into this fight. The arena was crazy it was large enough to fill the whole galaxy. “Ok….I'm ready….*takes breath*…...*exhales*..I wont let you down Alex, this fight is for you.” I got into my mech and awaited my name to be called into the arena. The speaker shouts “All the way across the galaxy…a man so brave…so ruthless….so…out of his mind….NICK QUESADILLA!” *I rush out to the crowd who had no faith in me and yelled boo’s at me*…maybe this was a mistake maybe I shouldn’t have done this. The speaker then says…”Ladies and gentleman we have an old contender…former mech champion David Sparks!!!” The crowd went into a frenzy as David sparks comes out in a trooper. Ive heard about David Sparks his Trooper is called the Wasp because he hits fast and is heavily armored.

My heart sank…how am I going to beat this guy. I need to calm down, if I even stand a chance at this guy I'm going to have to have a clear head. *bell rings* “Fight!!!” *The trooper rushes at me with a full throttle* *My axebot dodges and takes a quick jab at his side* Whats going on? I already got the first hit. Is David going easy on me?? I didn’t stop punching at his bot, I was so scared that I could get destroyed by him so I didn’t stop. Oil was going everywhere, his shields were breached and I damaged his hull completely until…*a sharp pain reaches my spine* the A.I. yells *Warning spinal core breached* Oh no…he has grabbed the backbone of my mech *David begins to yank and twist* “Warning….Hull breached, shield down, health Critical, Emergency Shutdown Activated” The speaker begins to yell, well folks looks like its all over for Nick” I need to find a way to override this Command…I need to turn the A.I. system off. *when I unplug the AI my mech turns on but all of my equipment is turned off*

 Looks like I'm going to have to do this Manually. *I begin to put on my gear and throw some punches at his hull* All of my throws were crits. Fire was spreading on his trooper, his arms began to malfunction. All that was going through my head was…FATALITY…FINISH HIM. *I spin my arm and take a swing and uppercut his head off of his mech* The speaker yells “Ladies and Gentleman, Nick has done the impossible he has defeated David in battle” “Congrats Nick please go collect your winnings”. I cant believe I won….I did it I actually did it. I won the money….now to go purchase those wheeled feet. Would love to be faster..*I head to the market when I'm stopped by a familiar face* The familiar man says “So you wanna be a circuit fighter huh?...well next battle…*lifts head* your gonna face me! IT was…my clone…the one I saw in the cave a month ago. He found me and it looks like I'm going to have to finish this…once and for all.

Submitted by Nick Quesadilla #871854