Friday, February 27, 2015

Tinsel EMP Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

This was a prize weapon during the Xmas Clan Wars/raid, as such there is no longer information listed for pricing, limits, etc. What I can tell you is it has straight damage of 111, and a speed of 111, with the abilities of Crit-kill at 10%, and a freeze of 55%. That makes this the fastest ice weapon I have seen as of yet.

It goes without saying this is a great weapon to stick on any Ice thrower mecha. I use mine on my Frigis which produces a 100% freeze with each successful hit anyways. I have used it on my Sever, and my Boreas from time to time and have had great success with it no matter where I put it mech wise. It's fast, it's hard hitting, it's powerful and I wish I had gotten a hold of more for the limited time they were on sale. If you ever see one or come across it again, buy it!

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534