Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Faction Wars 3 By Pat Willis#224534

Well fellow warriors the third Faction Wars are almost upon us. Clans are scurrying to make alliances so that they can fill their ranks and claim the title of top dogs in their division. Uneasy truces exist in some quadrants of the galaxy and tried and true enemies join forces to fight side by side, as it is better than facing those you know to be accomplished. The call has gone out far and wide for clan liaison officers to start getting interviews in to feed the rabid appetites of mecha fans everywhere.

Battle plans are being made and lines are being drawn with everyone awaiting in anticipation for the hour to draw near so that they may unleash hell upon their opponents, rack up the prizes, and take home the gold. Speculations abound as to what kind of raid we will see upon the completion of this war. One thing is for certain, there will be carnage and smoking craters that used to be mechs littering the battlefield in both the war and in the raids. Make your choices carefully, your alliances wisely and come out gunning. We here at Galaxy Gathering wish you all the best of luck and happy hunting, see you in the winners circle!

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534