Saturday, September 24, 2016

Warg Or Oggun What Does It Matter By Pat Willis#224534

At the end of this upcoming clan war we will have to save either one of the two mecha manufacturing plants. Either the facility that makes the reverse joint legged Warg, or the old favorite slug thrower the Oggun.

The Warg is a 55 Ton, minimum heavy skill of 10  ice thrower, and the Oggun is a 50 Ton, minimum heavy skill of 5 slug thrower. It can be argued that both have their place in a formation, as well as do a stellar job of cleaning up an enemies lines at lower levels. Given the Warg is so much newer than the Oggun it probably won't receive as much love or support from the player community, but hey I could be wrong here.

Truthfully the whole pick one to save thing just doesn't wash either. Especially when you factor in advanced knowledge of the raid by the Clans, and instantaneous travel which is a staple of the game via the gateway system. Split the clans down the middle one to defend one, the other to the remainder, poof problem solved.

Really though does it matter? We save one, the other may get eliminated/taken off the market, who really knows. Honestly aside from their weapon capabilities there really isn't much of a difference between the two. 55 Ton or 50 Ton, minimum 5 heavy skill or 10, only 5 points of difference between them and all of 5 Tons.

Honestly I can't really see a major impact in game or to pilots if one of their manufacturing plants got destroyed or captured. We still have about 22 other mechas to choose from and load up on in the 0-55 Ton range. Also quite a few players have long since passed the levels where either was a serious contender in a fight.

Yes to newer or lower level players this may be a big deal. Admittedly I'm probably missing some big picture here and can't see this as having that big of an  impact on the game as a whole, and will most likely lead to yet another mediocre raid at best.

It would be one thing to have a Regis, Fext, Boreas, etc facility get raided and possibly taken out of play. But a Warg or an Oggun? Not seeing that big of an impact or a lot of players really caring beyond the game making them pick a side.

Reminds me of the Shogunate blood feud that went down. Just add bunnies, mythological hocus pocus and sideline the oh so valued science and tech for magics, and rune covered mechas. Sorry but can't even bring myself to care about the story line much less the raid. Maybe because no matter how it turns out in the end Warg or Oggun it won't really effect anything.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534