Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jabberwocky The Dilophos Mecha Spotlight

* Editors note - I came across this in my files of writing, it is the humble origins of my Regis mecha Jabberwocky. She wasn't always a Regis. She used to be a Dilophos, this is the basic build for her back then.

The origins of this mech are quite a tale in and of themselves. It was once part of the beginnings of the AFF piloted then by a man simply called Jabber. This mech has been spoken about in both the A.N.N. and here in our pages at Galaxy Gathering. It was taken to Immolia where the pilot Jabber was then killed by the reawakened Niodemancer Captain Johnathan Judas. Judas then piloted over to the Cogwerk ports and laid siege to the ports with this mech after he renamed it The Heretic. After a long and drawn out confrontation both the Niodemancer and the Dilophos both were brought down by the Illyrain task force and the mech found its way to Star Factories where it was stripped of its weapons and scrubbed of all mission data or so they thought, that is when I purchased it.

It came to me pretty much as an empty mech, no weapons, no equipment and just your basic functions on board. As I started to repair and rebuild it I made a startling discovery. Somehow the original Battle A.I. who was call-signed Wocky was still on board and viable. She had hidden away deep within the mechs subroutines to avoid deletion by The Niodemancer when he had stolen and renamed her. I was elated to say the least. This was a part of history I now owned. This mech and its accompanying A.I. had brought down rouge Shogunate forces, and bested Sever driving bounty hunters, all before it had ever come into the Galactic spotlight with Judas!

So I began rebuilding her from the ground up. First was her cockpit the battle A.I. needed to be comfortable so I filled her up  with Betrus Processors to give her an overall precision of 70. Next was the chassis which was a simple mixture of Coolant systems and Untiam Actuators, all powered by the engines which were placed inside for which I selected three Indefinite Singularity engines. I even found a couple of shield systems laying around that I installed to her using Vympel Gamma shielding in concert with KLIF Gamma shields and added an Arctic Delta.

I had to strip down some other mechs I had to get all the weapons together and splurged to get a few more in the process. Resulting in the following for her weapon system - a simple mixture of multiple Archfiend lasers, double Rage Pulsars, multiple Flavian Spears, a bank of quad Kaos Beams, three Carnassal lasers, with the rest being Galaxy Eye lasers to fully round out her 27 weapon slots at level 85 modification.

So she went from being purchased unequipped and nothing but a shell with the following ratings...

Bonuses before equipment:
Precision (10)
Speed - 15
Fork 27%
Speed + 21
Slow (10)
Missile Vulnerable 8%
Laser Shield 40%
Fire Vulnerable 5%
Laser Damage + 45%
2X Damage 45%
3X Damage 15%
Fire Damage + 10%

To this once all was said and done with her various equipment installed...
Ice Shield 38%
Fire Vulnerable 14%
Shield (61)
Proj. Shield 38%
Laser Vulnerable 10%
Missile Shield 38%
Ice Vulnerable 10%
Speed + 76
2X Damage 54%
Precision (70)
Crit-Kill 18%
Dodge (32)
Fire Damage + 40%
Ice Damage + 30%
Fire Shield (60)
Freeze 21%
Speed - 15
Fork 27%
Slow (10)
Missile Vulnerable 8%
Laser Shield 40%
Laser Damage + 45%
3X Damage 15%

Is there room for improvement? Of course there is and rest assured I will make many modifications before I retire this mech, but for now given it's rich history and some of the battles it has seen it is an honor and a pleasure to own as well as drive this 75 ton monster. The Jabberwocky lives again and she is mine!

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534