Friday, October 2, 2015

Striker By Marianne and Mark Stewig #687261

A lone solitary figure is seen fleeting into the shadows keeping the outline of his shape and form from being seen. Drawn into a Cocoon of darkness that envelops him so completely the mysterious figure makes his way to a dim light in the distance under which two men set on a worn-out old bench awaiting his arrival.

Talking among themselves they wonder if the this trip has been in vain. Do you think he will show? Said Drake the man in the military uniform. Ike the other man is from a high level think tank and answers with unknown, he hasn't been active in over 50 years. His Intel says he is more machine then flesh although he didn't start out that way. He's been in four major battles and countless others, decorated with honors three times, thought to be dead five times and listed missing in action twice.

Not many are alive that have met him since he is over 300 years old, a bit of a recluse. The parts that are flash are his right leg, left arm up to the elbow, the right half of his brain, the right side of his face, eye, tongue, and lips. Then lastly his heart.

It says here that he started as a cadet named John flintword with high scores in marksman ship, and it seems he has become an expert in everything he does. He is a brilliant strategist and the leader of men. His father told him when he was young to find something he liked and work at it until he became an expert at it and it seems that he has never stopped.

He was put back together again with the latest tech after every battle he was in. His code-name is Striker (for his ability to strike fear and terror in his enemy.) Later he accepted this name as his only name. The report goes on to list a rather lengthy list of achievements but I think that this about sums it up. How much longer must we wait said Ike. But before Drake could answer a machine hand was thrust out from the darkness and grasp Drake's arm in a vice like grip.

Ike was white as a ghost and speechless as Striker stepped out of the darkness revealing himself fully in the dim light that hung over head. Relax... came a deep sounding metallic voice. If I wanted to harm you you would be dead already. Ike managed to move his frozen mouth and blurt out the words Striker? In the flesh, or at least a little, exclaimed Striker which seemed to ease tension a little with his joke. Let's get going to my place it isn't far from here and I am sorry it has to be this way, I'm still a very hunted man with more enemies than friends and a very high price on my head.

Come.... And with a wave of his hand they were off, at the same time releasing his death like grip on Drake. They traveled for about an hour but not much was said, both men were still trying to size up this creature but still failing to see his features in their fullness. From what they could tell, Striker
was clothed in a dark hooded garment with small metal clasps and a type of belt with knife, tools and ammo. A gun of some sort could have been concealed in one of his bulging pockets but wasn't seen at this time.

One of his shoes was made of leather but the other shoe was made completely of metal and robotic in form. It goes without saying that the leather shoe was made for the fleshly foot. Judging from the drag marks on the top of the leather shoe it was apparent that this shoe was dragged along more often than not, although there was no evidence that this was the case that was observed. His arms and hands are for the most part robotic except for his left lower arm which appeared to be and functioned in a most human like manner, but may have been modified or enhanced in some way. We are here, said Striker waking both men out of their observations and into the moment and hand. Both men looked around in unbelief seeing that they were standing in a field of boulders with one huge boulder in front of them. Striker then stooped down and reached under the big boulder and released a latch that, as it slid back, revealed a large ramp which descended into a very vast underground cavern.

This used to be a missile silo a very long time ago said Striker but I have restored it for my home and fortress. As they descend down the ramp, the boulder resumed its position and a well lit cavern came to view. The cavern was full of Mech's of all types and sizes some known and some long forgotten.

There must be at least 50 Mech's in here exclaimed Drake. Sixty three and a half said Striker pridefully. I'm still rebuilding that one over there he said pointing to a rather large pile of metal parts with a chassis sticking out of the middle of it. I would've come to you in one of my Mech's but they are to big to conceal from radar and would be easy to trace here. I can only take them out after I have launched my probes to make sure that no one is around and the area is clear. I have about 100 of these probes but I fear more will be needed in the future.

This area is protected by law but lately a lot of interest in this area has come to light with talk of dividing it up and selling parts of it. The area covers about 50 miles and a lot of would be buyers are seen tramping through these parts. Ike asks if he is in this venture by himself or if he has help, to which Striker assures him that he has a dozen or so men that help him and that are sworn to secrecy and live here at this base.

Traveling past a bunch of doors presumably living quarters of the men they reach one massive door in one side of the cavern Striker produces a key which he puts in the lock and with a twist of the key and a turn of the handle the door swings open. Welcome to my humble abode, says Striker as he ushers both men to a table and chairs. The room is poorly lit so striker lights a fireplace that is in the corner of the room but stays just within the shadows.

So what brings you to my humble abode? I assume that this situation is bleak with a lot of death and destruction, and you want me to go in and make it all better. You both know that this type of thing is what I'm good at and I have never said no before, to this date but I tell you this, times are changing and apparently so am I. So what's in it for me? Money?, Cash or script?… Forget it! I've got enough to last me 10 lifetime or more. Duty? ..Honor? ...Or prestige? Nope!...Wrong again! Been there ...done that... Left a bad taste in my mouth. So what's the problem and how do I get paid?

Both men looked at each other and fell silent for a moment, it was Drake who spoke first with one word CURIOSITY! What! Exclaimed Striker, What could possibly intrigued me enough to risk it all just for the sake of understanding? You must be mad! I have given of myself way too much already.

We have found an anomaly that we think you might be interested in. It was found in a forerunner mine that was uncovered in an excavation. It's alive biologically and parts of it are machine. It is tearing the hell out of everything we send in their and it is questionable whether we will be able to contain it much longer. We have lost two legions of elite mecha and the third is failing fast. Such firepower....such fury the likes of which I have never seen! In all respects not counting gender she's a lot like you.

Wait a minute, you said she, I distinctly heard you say she said Striker with a lot of screaming. Now spell it! he demanded. Okay, okay simmer down, biologically she's female around the age of 27 years old or so preliminary scan's show. That's the only thing that we were able to get close enough to tell. But should that make a difference? I mean in your decision to join us.

Well of course! That changes everything, I mean at the moment I'm not doing anything important and a lady in distress does seem to take on a high priority in my opinion. If not me then who..... ? Some other poor slob that would probably just get in the way and mess things up anyhow, in which case you'd be back here in an instant I'm sure. At any rate who am I to keep a lady waiting? Come on let's go!

(To be continued)

Submitted by Marianne and Mark Stewig #687261