Friday, October 9, 2015

Special Commentary By Ron Frye#879655 On The Last Posting

Sgt Ron Frye aka Monk Malone, Jr. editor for GGEW here. Just read and edited Deb's fine report above and have a few comments I would like to add. (1. I also am disheartened by the lack of loyalty and devotion that many players demonstrate at this level of competition. This should be a time for bonding and building greater ties of team building and integrity. Instead too often I see the uber elite players hand picking other elite players or potential elite players, like an NFL coach pulling draft picks off top ten colleges' during their home coming games. and (2. I see lesser experienced players, who aspire to be elite, used and abused as canon fodder/sacrificial lambs/hill billy stomp mine detectors (better known as Hill Billy SMD's)....but I also see the groups left behind that do not roll with the uber elite crowd, and nine times out of ten, the members of these groups build a permanent bond that carries farther than merely this one game. And frankly the thought of fighting (A. The uber elite gold farmers ,or, (B. The loyal crew that knows its outgunned but go in blazing anyway, trying take out as many as they can, win what they can, and learn as much as they can......pardon my french, but FUCK, I would love to fight the uber elites;80% of those cocky bastards go down if breath on them the wrong way, but I sure as hell would not want to fight The Loyal Crew.

 They got balls, they got anger, they got motivation, and they damn sure don't have anything to lose. I see those guys coming my way.....i put on my most pathetic cripple face and put major arm work into rolling my Emerald Mick arse the fuck out that place. That all being said, I understand both sides in this argument. (1. Side 1, wants to get the uber players, who need uber gear, so that they can efficiently farm it up for their people and (2. Side 2, wants to preserve the integrity of the clan. In most situations this could all be avoided if the parties involved had just taken a more proactive role in planning and implementing the crew movements as the FW units were being put together. These are just my humble views from down here in the gutter, several hundred floors below what the polizei call the "Last layer of breathable air" in our fair city. Down here, even the rats have bodyguards. Saw one yesterday, it was bloody damn mongoose the size of a fully grown dachshund puppy. I'm not touching that rats cheese and you can be damn sure of that.

Submitted by Ron Frye#879655