Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Couple New Clan Liasion Representatives Sign Up

As was announced yesterday both networks are reaching out to the clans in the hopes of everyone jumping in for clan war interviewers. Word was sent out across the galaxy for representatives, or nominated officials to get in touch with the news service of  their choice for a spot in this list of honored Clan Officials. Believe it or not we actually got a couple answers already here at Galaxy Gathering.

I was rather pleased to see the fan favorite Zeon come through, and I was personally contacted by Steve Ross, as well as an elected official from the Merlino e Morgana family Toby Easterbrook. They are now added to the list of official press reps for their clan and have given themselves center stage with interviews being published, when Clan Wars get underway. So if you see them give them a congratulations, and we are still looking for other clan reps. Of course there is The Brotherhoods own Joel Parras for the position, but that still leaves many families open and available if they haven't contacted us or A.N.N. So if you feel your clan deserves recognition come on and let us know.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534