Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Namtar Mech Review

People tend to either love or hate the Namtar, a 60 ton brutal and highly armored Heavy crystal mecha with built in Crit-kill bonus, double damage and shielding.  This is a heavy duty infantry machine of Illyrian design.  As you upgrade it the crit-kill and double damage abilities continue to improve.  The reason why some people don't like Namtars is that all that punishment they dish out comes at the cost of a little kickback damage.  As you upgrade it to the upper levels though you'll find your Namtar has developed some new tricks, namely 5% increased weapon damage boosts and a 10% chance of doing triple damage.  That unfortunate kickback weakness levels off though by the time you have upgraded your Namtar to level 40, maxing out at 18% chance to do 50% kickback damage on itself.  The manufactures explain this is due to the resulting physical stress created by the massive amounts of recoil from the Namtar's weapons firing.  If that bugs you it can be partially ameliorated by installing equipment that has auto-repair abilities.

Fresh from the factory a Namtar comes pre-armed with a standard pair of Maulers, a pair of Double Flames and two Double Sleets, which are easy enough to swap out for the more powerful weapons you'll have access to as your fleet gets more advanced.  You can buy one on reaching level 26 and it takes a minimum heavy piloting skill of 15.

Without risk there is no reward though, so if you're willing to invest in one properly, an adequately maintained Namtar will make your opponents first gulp, then their bowels loosen as they hear the sound of its powerful guns firing.  You can take a step in your quest for bigger and stronger mecha by getting one of these for 2700 Ferrite, 1800 Bioptics and 160 Crystal.

Submitted by Mycobacter #712744