Tuesday, May 23, 2017

CW3323 Post-War Interview With Brian Vaughan #56278 By John Ringo #899287

GG: Welcome Brian to The Galaxy Gathering studio. Can I offer you a drink from the wet bar before we get started?

Brian: Never pass on a hatorade and vodka! Thanks!

GG: *mixes up Brian's drink of choice and passes over the glass*

GG: For the record what is your name, player ID, clan you fought with this last CW and what medal did you win?

Brian: Brian Vaughan  ID #56278 and I fought with the Diamond Dragons for a gold medal.

GG: Grats on the Gold win. *Smiles*

GG: Did your team perform like you expected this war?

Brian: The team put out a solid performance as always. Not saying there were not errors but there were very, very few. It is the well machined squadrons that make the battles easy or hard. I have fought with some pilots in my younger days that just made me shake my head. A whole Leroy Jenkins mentality hitting targets they could never take and doing it repeatedly. One thing about the Dragon clans I have fought in, errors are minimal.

GG: Was there anything you found to be a surprise this war?

Brian: Well I guess I will put aside diplomacy and be straight about it. I was surprised the Smurf Platoon didn't show up really. I understand sometimes clans hold shots when they do the math and can't win but that round three fight seemed it would be much closer on paper. Instead they sent halfhearted scouting shots taking unnecessary defensive losses and then just never fielded any true forces. Very disappointing not to have a good battle there

GG: This war every clan needed a SRB specialist to get in the game. We have had a required spec now for the last two wars. Do you feel this requirement improves or takes away from Clan Wars?

Brian: I don't know if it really affects much. Honestly, I am not sure of the purpose of it as announcing a specialty simply gives everyone to adjust for it and thereby neutralizes the advantage that comes from more versatile undeclared specialists.

GG: The pilots who ran the required SRB spec this war earned (2) 2X upgrade kits. Does this extra prizing improve Clan Wars and should be continued?

Brian: Ha ha seriously? Two 2X upgrade kits? So, they made a meager 12 niodes coupon for running a specialty everyone will be excepting. Whatever...hey if it floats the organizers boat then more power to them.

GG: How hard was the Raid for your team?

Brian: Seemed a pretty easy walk this time. Didn't hear much commenting on tough lines or impossible formations. I mean oh no it was really hard please, please don't make it so challenging mighty mecha gods.

GG: Are the Raid Prizes this war useful for your team or do you just sell most of it for needed Niodes?

Brian: Well I do my best not to curse the gods of luck as they have been good to me too but last few runs have been frustratingly barren of even anything worth selling. A few have made a few decent claims but overall this round has been pretty slim. Open those pocketbooks kiddies, daddy needs a new car. Ha ha ha.

GG: *grins* I have been there myself.

GG: What is your favorite mech that you own and why?

Brian: Well for the battle machines they are each has its merits as far as the niodes mecha. Crystal mechs I simply never found much use for other than second rate line fillers. Boreas and Fext Torrents and Notros everyone loves the big guns and yes, they are great. However, forgive my sentiment but my favorite mech is my Layne mech because every time I see it I get to remember a little angel who left too soon but still lives on whenever I look and remember how that mech was achieved and that even in this game of conflict and aggression there is a chance to make a contribution with a noble albeit sometimes sad cause. Peace to you little child.

GG: That is a good reminder of what else we have done as a group of players in times past to reach out and help those in need.

GG: We all wish you and your family Peace Layne.

GG: What is your favorite thing about Clan Wars?

Brian: The end...? Just messing. I really like the good battles. You know the ones that are close and where the opponents give kudos to the enemy. It's easy to shittalk your way through a conflict and piss on the enemy, but it's a true high caliber warrior who acknowledges the merits of the enemy. Who appreciates the determination of the underdog and values all confrontations as a learning experience. Here's to the true warriors out there! *slams the rest of hatorade and vodka*

GG: *Joins in with the toast*

GG: In your opinion, what needs to be fixed to make Clan Wars better?

Brian: Don't think it can be fixed in sense that organizers can do anything. It's the clans that have to work that out. You hear about blow outs and how big spenders win it all. There are a thousand excuses for why clans lose or win but end of the day it's planning. Wanna know why clans win? They plan for it. Wanna know why clans lose, they plan for it. If you are losing and do nothing to find solution beyond crying in newspapers and interviews then you have gotten exactly what you planned for. Cold hard truth adapt, spend, move or die. War is hell peoples die in tradition and allegiance or make plans for change and success. Your choice, just don't fill my drinking hours with self-pity.

Brian: Oh, yeah, my point is clan wars get better with better competition and that's what needs to improve. *Wink*

GG: That was a shot across the bow and a call to action *Grin*

GG: Before we wrap this up is there anything you would like to add?

Brian: How about another shot of vodka to my glass and a salute to all the players out there. Bitchy, fun, assholes and expert tacticians you all make the world a more enjoyable place. Never run another mans rhubarb and we'll keep the lights on for you. Light sands through the hour glass so are the days of our lives...I am not a crook. Salute!!!!

GG: *Salute*

GG: Thanks for taking the time to stop by and talk with my today Brian. It has been a pleasure. My best to you and your crew.