Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Interview with Legendary Pilot Cher Lee Player ID# 875837 By Kenneth Hicks Player ID# 846092

Today’s interview is with newly decorated Legendary Pilot Cher Lee.

With over 30 King of the Mountain wins to his record, Cher has managed to get on the bad side of more than a few pilots in the quadrant. With fists shaking over their heads and cries of “unfair”, all have felt the the First Place finish in a KoTM slip away from them at least once to this devious pilot and his eye raising arsenal of impressively decked out mechas.

Cher also along with the Legendary Pilot status, received one of the coolest back stories for a pilot in the game: “Cher “TorHel” Lee became infamous for riding at the forefront of his impressive mecha squadron on his Sever class mecha, Witch’s Titty,, that was rigged with a set of illegally-upgraded Torsion Helix chassis. A shady character, even his clan mates say he is just as likely to stab you in the back as he is to shake your hand, and he is well known to trample on friend and foe alike to get to the top of the mountain. A skilled tactician, Lee is always on the hunt for the next colony seeking mercenary aid—though whether he will decide to destroy their foes or burn them to the ground is anyone’s guess. He lives by a simple motto: “Rules? What rules?”

So Cher, first off, I’d like to congratulate you on your Legendary Pilot status. How does it feel?
Cher: If feels amazing being a Legendary Pilot. I’ve wanted to be one since my level 40s. It’s not something you get everyday.

Ken: During the announcement of your reward, the topic of camping came up. What are your feelings on staying at a level for a long amount of time? Do you feel it impacts the game positively or negatively?

Cher: What are my feelings on stay at a low level for a long time? That’s a hard question to answer. I feel it’s a good thing.. Do I feel like I can impact the game in a negative way? No. In a positive way? Again, no. I can’t impact anyone’s game. What I do and how I do  is up to me. Just like how anyone else plays. Do I feel like I’m bully the lower division? Yes. Why? Because I like to stay in control.

Ken: What are your current predictions in Clan Wars? Are there any upcoming matches that you are watching out for in particular? Care to predict any upsets?

Cher: For my predictions for clan wars, I believe that Dragon owns all of its divisions. We have to step up our game. The match I’ll like to see again is Division 3 MMI vs AFF. That has been a very interesting battle and I think it’s going be rather close.

Ken: Finally, any subjects or matters you would like to discuss? What's on the top of Cher's mind?
Cher: So far the Mecha Galaxy has been going great for me. The sales have decreased a bit, but they have given out more free stuff than they have in the past.

Ken: Well I want to thank you today for coming down to talk with us, and good luck in your future battles!

Cher: Thank you for this interview.
<end transmission>


Submitted by  Cher Lee Player ID# 875837 & Kenneth Hicks Player ID# 846092