Saturday, November 5, 2016

Core Reactor Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534

A Crystal engine equipment piece for mechas in the 65-75 ton range. To get one will cost you 511 Ferrite, 455 Bioptics, and 49 Crystal. This piece grants your mecha Speed +8, Fire Damage at +6%, and Missile as well as Ice vulnerable both at 5%.

Honestly that looks to be the fastest engine in that tonnage range, however if you go into the 70-85 ton range you get into the Max Torque Charged engine with its speed at +10. So really it all depends on where your mecha in questions tonnage lies. The speed on this piece is even more than its Niode cousins +7, and usually Niode gear is better. You will have to put up with the vulnerabilities, a slim boost to fire damage, but hey it'll be the fastest in engine in its weight class.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534