Thursday, November 24, 2016

Late Edition : Chrono Events by David McCallum : #701548

Sorry for the tardiness of this post, it would appear we had an invasion of sorts to repel.... one led by unprocessed Turducken Cover ammunition.

From what I can gather, there have been a number of casualties with pilots out of action left right and centre.

But there is another recent event I wanted to address that keeps making pilots groan like participants in the aftermath of a family feast... yet another KotM chrono event.

Now I freely admit I avoid these like Kenneth avoids doing videos, having only participated in one which, while I managed to eke out a gold was only done through a session that last over 24 hours in the cockpit (I kid you not...) and is not one that I wish to repeat.

However I had the chance to view one of my junior pilots in action, attempting to chase the recent bonus bounty of gaining 3 medals in a row.

A very creditable performance (if I say so myself, one is allowed to take a certain pride in knowing that for once somebody has actually listened to your advice...) which saw them duke it out for a well earned silver.

And the thing that struck me was that it was an extremely valid training excersize.

Not only good in gauging an opponents strength so you can see whom you can attack to gain the best points tally, but though prolonged attack runs working out what is and isn't working.

In this particular case, the realization that their world conquering Nerio was past its use by date and having the good sense to buy and level a Luison to replace it with on the fly.... a decision that payed dividends and not only gained better prizes (plus the bonus 3 mission bounty) but has set them up far stronger for the upcoming Squad War.

So, moral of this tale?

While something may not necessarily be to your liking, there is always a glass half full somwehere.

Submitted by David McCallum : #701548