Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pilot Profile Poppa Whiskey

Editors note* This is a back story/companion profile piece to the character listed in the Frigis tech read out

Papa Whiskey began on a little out post colony running boundary security in a broken down Bishop Mech. He entered a couple regional tournaments and gained the attention of a couple Faction military recruiters.  He met with both the Shogunate and the Cogwerk Ports representatives. He decided on the Cogwerk Ports later citing that they had made the more lucrative offer.

He fit in rather well with the Ports security team and was driving one of  two security Severs when  dozens of Gigus mechs ran loose in the port. He displayed further skill when a short time later he was responsible for 54 confirmed Cult of Gigus kills in the wild space of Valkus Prime.

He was offered a position with B.O.M.B. (Black Ops Mecha Battalion) by the true Galactic military and spent 4 tours there. (Not much is known of this time as it is all classified clearance Alpha -1-Red-1) What is known is that after he got out of service he joined on with star Factories to become their test pilot for their new freeze juggernaut the Frigis mecha.

During a mecha demonstration for possible investors, he faced a squad of Smilidons, Severs and Gigus. He simply sauntered out onto the battlefield powered up and pulsed one time creating a storm of the now trade mark lightning bolts. That pulse shut down every mecha on the field and he easily destroyed them at will with his various lasers and freeze weapons already on board. The whole fight lasted all of five minutes. That pretty much settled the minds of Star Factories investors and the Frigis has been in production ever since. His payment for that job was to keep the mecha he tested which he later named Bootlegger. He is a pilot who is very capable and an asset on the battlefield. Recommendations for future engagements are for threat levels high or above.

Submitted By Pat Willis #224534