Friday, September 16, 2016

Interview With Legendary Pilot Cher Lee ID# 875837 By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092

K: In past interviews, you and I have talked a lot about camping. How, why, and even helpful hints. I'd like to get away from that some as I feel we've covered that pretty thoroughly.

So after the whole “Alt Purge”, one main explanation that’s come forward is that new people cannot compete in events on even grounds with some of these alts, making it hard to break into the game and enjoy it. You’ve spent a lot of time in the lower tiers on different alts, what’s your take on the situation?

CL: My honest opinion, I don’t see a problem in these Kotm events. The power difference of a $500 spender versus a long time camper is different and there’s no way the camper can catch up in strength at level 40 and lower. However, that’s not the issue of camping because you don’t see a lot of $500 players.

What you see in the lower divisions, are year old campers that are not even that strong. Now, I’m not comparing them to my $500 alts. I’m comparing them to the average players in those divisions.

As for me personally, I don’t really do much Kotm. And when I do, I don’t have problems, mainly because I know what to do. I know when to camp, how to level up, and what is the best tier to level to, but also the $500 package really does help me.

K: Most of the camping naysayers I see belong in two groups. The first group is new players who are frustrated and want everything "now" without having put in either the work or the $$ to compete. And then the second group which is made up of power players. By power players, I'm referring to those who are above level 100 and compete in Divisions 1, 2, and 3.

The first group I get, it's frustrating. The group I don't understand is the power players with their incessant whining. What are your thoughts on their behavior towards those that camp lower levels?

CL: I personally don’t mind people camping. They aren’t taking anything strong from me. Like weapons or mechas. See, based on what I’ve read so far about the problems with camping is "new players" versus "campers" and that topic explains why there’s a problem. The problem isn’t camping. The problem is people are expecting the new player to be around the same strength as the camper or a long time player.

People have to look at  three factors here. Usually people normally look at it one way which is the common level versus level.  The three factors I’m speaking of are players, time, and clan.

1, Players is the amount of players there are in that division. The less there is the easier it is to win a gold medal, but it's also harder to gain gold if you aren’t developed at that level, which  brings me to time.

2, Time: How long has the player taken to reach that level or/and stayed at that level. If you've just reach level 100 in 6 months, don’t expect to beat a level 70 (unless if you spend a lot.) Reason why I say don't expect to beat a level 70 has to do with resources. In 6 month times it's hard to be developed at level 100 comparing yourself to other level 100's.

3, Clan: When it all comes down, what clan you are in is what matters most. Why? Because Clan Wars are the events that gives the most income of niodes. Most players that think it's unfair are in clans that can't hold themselves up against other developed clans. In this case they don't gain the amount of niodes to maintain their strength in that division or at that level. Because of this other players in a lower division gains the same amount of prizes as they would the higher division and in which case lower levels can beat higher levels. This by the way has nothing to do with the Clan Wars prize, although that’s the reason why some higher level players lack strength.

K: Let's switch gears for a moment and talk about the upcoming Clan Wars.  What do you think we can expect to see this war in the way of Division mechanics? Do you think Nick is going to switch things up again?

CL: I think like any other clan wars it'll be the same but with a little different ruling. What I'm expecting to see is a lot of clans disbanding because it's not an easy thing to stay at a level if you're limited to players in your clan. In other words, I am expecting to see less divisions.

K: And lastly, is there anything you want to mention, or talk about that we haven't covered yet?

CL: Maybe the ToS as it seem like a big topic in the player page.
A lot of the talk about the ToS reminds me of this year's election process. A lot of people yelling for change, yelling for an end to "unfairness", and yelling. Yet 90% of these people yelling either have no idea what it is they want to change or why, or how it would affect them, or they're just yelling to make something about themselves.

I don’t insist for a TOS but I do know the line as to where things are above or below. I'll just like to put it out there so people would have general idea.

Developers do not want alt abuse. Multiple alts of the same and/or few players in the same clan. But what they dislike the most is muti-alt clans in the same division. Whether that’s two or three in the same division or if it’s one division all by oneself. That's the line. Whereas the amount of golds is unlimited. That is the general idea and anything added or subtracted may vary depending on the dev.

K: Well it looks like we’re about out of time, I’d like to thank Cher Lee for taking the time to come in and talk with us today.

CL: Thanks Ken.

K: And to all of you readers out there, if you’d like to do an interview, put in a comment, share an idea, or even borrow a soap box to stand on, you can contact us either on our Facebook page, in private message, or at for your submissions. This has been Ken Hicks wishing all of you a fantastic Clan War!

<end transmission>