Sunday, February 7, 2016

Answering Questions Posed By The Editorial The Lore of the Land Written By David McCallum Originally On Feb 2nd By Pat Willis#224534

Now that the lengthy title of this post is out of the way, I thought I would address the excellent questions posed by our editor David McCallum. So lets dive right on in, these are my thoughts alone on said questions and any opinion expressed herein is my own.

Firstly, are you in it for the game only, and unlike me don't actually give two hoots about the narrative?

I like a good narrative, to me a good background and story line can make someone WANT to play. If you have good characters, good background, and a solid outline to it that just makes it that more immersive and in depth.

If you do like the fluff parts of games and the associated in-game lore, what is your opinion of the improvements being made?

Well it makes for good news for one so on that hand alone I'm for it. Although I'm really of two minds here. As a player I appreciate the effort going in the game, and the push for more in depth details on people, places, and things in the game.

On the other hand however as a person who has been involved in writing some of the tech descriptions, and some official lore for the game, I wonder what's next on the chopping block? Will things I have done be wiped away? And if so fine but from my P.O.V. if that was the direction you wanted to go in the first place why wasn't that made clear during the creation process so that it has to be changed out now?

So as a player yep I'm for it, as a guy who has worked on some of  depends on what is on the menu.

Finally do you prefer it if existing lore is adhered to, or would you be fine with retcons of specific items? If so, to what extent?

I would prefer the lore remain as is, actually nothing to complain about there. I would like it if it were opened up to things beyond the usual raid recycled bad guys however. New big bad, force the factions and clans to work together, something other than clan war, clan raid of whomever, rinse and repeat. So while the lore goes hand in hand with the game as good lore should it needs to be opened up to allow for a broader scale, cause frankly the Forerunners can't be the biggest and the baddest. So keep what is there, expand on it, and clean it up a little.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534