Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tinsel EMP A Mighty Weapon Reviewed By Germán Jaramillo # 685605

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… The Emperor stings the young Jedi Luke Skywalker with sparkling bursts of Force lightning, but Luke doesn’t surrender…

The Emperor - “Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side. “ *Shooting again Luke with another burst of tinsel like electromagnetic pulse*… Wait, Tinsel EMP? Oh yes, quite the same.

If you were jealous about the Emperor Powers, now, you can use them entering into the wild path of the Force with this amazing weapon, but let’s take a deeper view!
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Released during Christmas Eve, this marvelous weapon returns from time to time, appearing in black markets, some KOTMs and Xmas Mystery Vortex sales. Long ago a pilot told a joke about the EMP seeming like a Xmas tinsel decorating his enemy’s mech and soon the joke got spread baptizing the weapon as Tinsel EMP.
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Manufacturer: Mysterious Bad Santa’s factories.
Quality: High mysterious niobium tech.
Damage: 111 (You won’t find many weapons in this damage rank)
Speed: 111 (Lightning Speed, faster than any huge weapon)
Abilities: Crit-Kill 10%; Freeze 55% (Superior ability to disable enemy systems)

Availability: Sometimes get’s released during Xmas offers through the mysterious vortex (with odds to get it as high as 2 or 3%) as also gold reward for top divisions in KOTMs.
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If you were one of the lucky pilots acquiring one or more units of this deadly freezing dispositive, you will keep it forever equipped in your starry mechs.
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This dispositive assembled in the mech’s carapace releases at large and medium range a magnetic pulse capable to disable the critical systems of the enemy mechs.
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Tier XIV

Score: 10/10 (This is your perfect Xmas present)

Really… Aside a lightsaber, you will need a Tinsel EMP for your Galaxy domination goals… Hmm… Wrong game?. Anyway, for a real damage you won’t find a faster weapon than this one nor with as effective capabilities to shoot down your enemies.

I want it… You want it… We want it. This is Tinsel EMP.

Submitted by Germán Jaramillo # 685605