Friday, May 12, 2017

CW3323 Pre-War Interview With Joshua Bourne #702128 By John Ringo #899287

GG: Today we have Joshua Bourne in the Galaxy Gathering studio. Welcome Joshua, can I offer you something from the wet bar or a cigar from General Nova’s private stock?

Joshua: The last time I went into his stock, I couldn't remember a week of Operations. And with the war coming up, I think I'll pass this time around *wink*

GG: Whatever makes you happy my friend. Only the best for my guests *Smile*

GG: Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today. Let's get started!

GG: For the record, what is your name, ID number and the clan you are fighting with in this war?

Joshua: My name is Joshua Bourne, I.D. 702128 and Clan Northwind Dragons.

GG: What are you most looking forward to this war?

Joshua: From this War, I'm most looking forward to the potential competition from our Division.

GG: Challenging fights bring excitement and glory! MOAR!!

GG: There are 4 specialists this war. Do you enjoy running a specialist formation or do you enjoy fighting as an unlimited more?

Joshua: Personally, I love running Specialist formations purely because I am a Free to Play player. It allows me to allocate my resources a lot more effectively.

GG: Much respect from a fellow free to play player.

GG: This war every clan must have an SRB specialist to enter. Are you a fan of a clan being required to have a specialist just to enter the war?

Joshua: It means players need to be more prepared for what the upcoming fights so personally, I love it.

GG: Do you think Nick will give a bonus prize to the SRB specialists this war like he did for the 20T guys last war?

Joshua: I doubt it as there is no specific prize he could give that would be good for every SRB player out there.

GG: Which specialist formation do you least enjoy fighting against and why?

Joshua: Personally, I hate fighting against 10 Ton Specs as it's just a massive RNG fight.

GG: The old coin toss fight *Smile*

GG: This war missiles are getting a +50 Speed boost. Are you excited about this and will this change how you set up your formations?

Joshua: I won't make any changes to my lineup because of a temp buff, but it will make Missiles a lot more powerful. Too powerful even.

GG: It will be interesting to see how this war shapes up for sure.

GG: What clan do you most enjoy fighting against and why?

Joshua: I don't really have a particular favorite to fight, though if I was to choose, it would just have to be a clan that fights back rather than gives in to the odds.

GG: Yes, that has been a common theme in this wars interviews.

GG: Is there something in your career as a mech jockey you are proud about and would like to share?

Joshua: It would probably have to be leading a Squad in one of the recent Squad Wars to victory in the Tier I prize pool.

GG: Everyone wants to get that T1 loot *Smile* Grats on the opportunity.

GG: Is there anything else you would like to add or a shout out to a friend or foe you would like to give?

Joshua: I'd just like to give everyone the very best of luck in the Divisions they fight in.

GG: Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today Joshua. It has been a pleasure. My best to you and your crew.