Sunday, April 23, 2017

Playing In The Mud - CW3322 Round 1 - By John Ringo #899287

The Emerald Dragons launch bay was humming with the sounds of war. The techs and mechanics rushing around changing the equipment and weapons on each mech to match the loadouts chosen by each pilot for this round of combat. John Ringo stood on the small balcony outside his office and surveyed the launch bay. To anyone who was not familiar with what it takes to get a mech combat unit ready for launch this might look like anarchy and chaos. To John, the sights, sounds and smells were the like the first few bars in the introduction to his favorite dubstep track. The excitement and energy building until the sweet release of the drop and his team swings into action. His heart swelled with pride as he turned around and walked back into his office. One last check over his desk to make sure everything was in readiness and it was time to get to the briefing room for the pre-launch meeting.

The room quickly got up from the desks and snapped to attention and saluted as he walked through the door and over to the podium. John dashed up a salute in reply and with a wave of his hand bade the room to settle back into their chairs. With a push of a button the holo projectors on each desk came to life and the briefing started. “Ok guys and girls, we have Smurf War Patrol for our first dance this war. They are able to field a greater amount of tonnage then we currently can but I think we can use that against them.” He said. “Of the three possible combat areas on this rock, two have had heavy rainfall yesterday. The open ground should have had enough time to dry out but where there is thick jungle it should still be swampy enough to bog down a mech that is unfortunate enough to walk into the mire. So here is the plan folks. If we draw zone Alpha standard engage and fade tactics will apply. If we are lucky enough for zones Bravo or Charlie we will send out two light scouting elements and quickly locate the enemy. Then we will bring the main force to bear when they have an exposed flank when they are close to the jungle. If we hit them with everything we have they should try to risk the jungle for some cover. If they get bogged then we encircle them and finish it then and there. If they do not then we will have to wing it and do our best.” He paused and as everyone looked up at him he one at a time looked them all in the eyes. “Win or lose let’s have fun out there. Everyone get to your mechs and button up. We launch in 15. Dismissed!”

The drop ship separated from the carrier and hurtled towards the planet below. John’s face pulled back into a feral grin as the G forces increased as the booster engines kicked in. The heads-up display in his helmet chimed and the target info updated. He opened a com channel to the unit. “The Bravo Beacon just turned on. We will be on the ground in 30 seconds. Lock and Load!”

The ship hit the dirt in more of a controlled crash than what could be considered a landing. Mechs quickly spilled out of it like ants from a knocked over ant hill. The scouts quickly found the Smurfs slowly picking their way through the wet areas close to the jungle. Emerald’s main combat force double timed it to be in position on the exposed enemy flank in time. Just when the Smurfs could not be in a worse field position the team attacked driving them into the jungle trees and into the sludge like mud. It was quickly over and all that was left was to help the Smurfs extract their mechs from the mud so everyone could get to the after party. John opened a channel to Huijari Peli the Smurfs commander. “Thanks for the fight. Better luck next time mate. You are welcome to join us on our ship for the after party before you ship out for round two. The drinks are on us!”

Submitted By John Ringo #899287