Monday, September 28, 2015

Pilot Interview with William Pierce #802131

GG: I’ve managed to make finally track down one of the men of the moment as our clans finish off the post war raids. This time around I’m talking to William Pierce, normally from Heroes II but this time around fought in Heroes Support.

First off, congratulations on your gold medal, in fact that makes it back to back golds for you. Were you aware that you are now only the fourth still active member of the Heroes to have won back to back?

WP: Was not aware of that. For the second win I was carried though.

GG: You were asked to step up to Support to provide holiday cover for one of the higher level players who had to sit out. What was the transition like? Any difference moving up a few divisions?

WP: Was a huge difference. Went from being one of the stronger peeps to being way over matched. Had to really pretest hits before the wars started to see if I could hit the other players or not. Liked that I was able to score some higher level noide mechs though so was good all around.

GG: Were you playing as a specialist this time around?

WP: 10 ton spec, had more defensive wins then losses too.

GG: Oooh, love a Red Ant! They just never grow old.

Looking forward to moving back down to your regular slot, or would you prefer to stay in the higher level group?

WP: Either would be OK with me . Just having fun playing this game.

GG: Now one of the things we like to do here at Galaxy Gathering is focus on advice for new pilots. As a medium term goal for young pilots as they move towards your level, which mechs should they look at bulking up on and why?

WP: If in a clan that plans on wars I would pick a spec (or 2) and build them up. For any 1 mech, Ammonites are nice. My best thing that I have found was do not sell any mechs and buy 2 of the crystal ones when they become available. Pray that you win some niode mechs along the way. I like the Ammonite for all the shielding they get. Also always buy new faster crystal weapons as they open up

GG: Thats a fair swag of sound advice right there. But do you have any personal favourites in your own line up?

WP: I took advantage of the rent sales and bought a Skriag . Its crit seems to fire more than normal and my Megazome is usually the last to die in his line so would say they are nice (but I have still have four Ammonites).

GG: Change of pace with some random questions, pilots need to think on their feet sometimes. So hypothetical tactical appraisal, which would win a fight between a badger and a baboon?

WP: Fighting the badger, baboons run if threatened.

GG: And what is your stance in the debate on the strategic use of raccoons?

WP: worked twice for me then failed on third so thought I would try a pie-rat pic instead. Its not working on mechs but good on equipment

GG: Do you have a favourite snack food that you take in the cockpit while you are fighting?

WP: {laughs} No, I eat what ever is at hand; P-B-J sandwiches, chips, fruit through to whatever was for dinner.

GG: We should probably leave the randomness there for the time being. I guess since we are here we should talk about the current rumours that the next big event is going to be a Faction War. Have you fought in one before?

WP: No I do not believe so, Heroes is the second clan I have been in ( the other was a anti James Bond group that had no real leadership).

GG: Its pretty much like a regular clan war, but you join clans together to make sides of around 50 players...

WP:Oh yes, have been in one before. It was fun. I was in middle of the group but only won 1 fight.

GG: Are you a fan of the bigger, longer events like Faction wars or Mechalympix, or do you prefer just a regular clan war?

WP: I liked the Faction War but missed the Mechalympix.

GG: Are there any suggestions you could give to the devs in regard tweaking the format of bigger events to make it better?

WP: If there is a way to set niode heavy mech against other niode heavies and crystal against crystal (wish full think I believe)but they get their money from the niode payers.

GG: We should probably look at wrapping up now, so I’ll hit you with one final question. Did the bandit masked furry raccoon god smile on your raid tally?

WP: Over all I would have to say it did. Also it drove my friends nuts because I would change my status to releasing the raid raccoon

GG: Well I’d best let you go and play with your new toys then! Thanks for taking the time to talk to us.

Submitted by David McCallum #701548