Friday, July 3, 2015

State Of Affairs By Joel Parras#637457

A distant calm cloaked the galaxy as a heavy slew of missions from intelligence gathering to pirate incursions kept the majority of pilots busy & hard at work.

My darkened stare drifted to the drifted to the comm screens as they flickered once again to the next field report as a smile somehow crept it's way onto my mouth. The brothers & sisters where doing well as always with improved payments & greeted with yet another lottery win.

Knowing preparations had already been made & far more pressing affairs need my attention i take a deep breath & recheck my information as the battle feeds flood in. Soon the time will come.

Aside from constant conjecture & rumor the path ahead was as clear cut as an illegal open cut ferrite mining operation through the dense jungles on Rizpah. It seems while most are blinded by the lights oncoming few could see to tell if it was a star of hope or destruction headed their way....let alone past the illumination to see the ever speeding rush to reality.

With the data relays coming in reporting the same findings from my liege confirming my findings the only thing to doubt now was the fortitude of others. My smile turned to a knowingly savage grin.

While the machinations of war where taking place everywhere around us we both breath easy knowing that we all make our own fates & we make ours happily.

Mechanical murmurs & screeching of metal coming to a sudden halt signaled that the final formations had been finally filled into place & personal hanger bays where explosive with the point of overflowing. Somehow without even noticing my grin has changed to a shallow smirk with the extent of resource acquisition this moment has required. My work is almost completely done & the satisfaction is superb.

Punching next jump course into the autopilot, our destination clear, i recline with a long overdue smoke between his lips, triggers a torch & inhales deeply. Even though an sense of decent sleep was seemingly impossible the time has come to rest under the stars for a night.

Submitted by Joel Parras#637457