Friday, November 14, 2014

Changes In The Crystal Economy

Well mecha fans this week has been one of announcements. We have seen the Vortexes come into being and now we have an announcement that is sure to help the crystal economy for pilots across the galaxy. Circuit fights now pay out double! You read that right double your crystal for all circuit fights. Just entering into circuit fights now pays out 10 Crystal and 2 niodes, as well as a win will net you crystal equal to double the energy spent. So a win for 1 spent in circuit will give you 2 crystal as a reward and 2 will give you 4 etc etc. This is much needed in the galaxy as pilots have been reporting crystal shortages for some time now. So hone your skills and make double your crystal for the effort.

Also this just in Clan Wars XIX was just announced, sign up started today, thus far the first fight is scheduled for the 21st. Clans may include up to three specialists per clan for this war with no limit on repeating types of specialists, for instance all three of your specialists could be 10 Tons and you can call it a day from there. Standard rules apply otherwise, no prizes have been announced at this time. So gear up and get ready to go to war yet again, be sure to make sure your mechs and pilots are repaired and healed for the raid that inevitably will follow. That's all the news we have this afternoon, we'll keep you posted as more comes to light across the galaxy.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534