Sunday, October 5, 2014

Some Individuals Of Note In The Negaverse

Zeteg: Zeteg is a technoshaman whose group of border patrolling antihumans is responsible for maintaining and overseeing a team of zombified beast mecha which serve as the guardians to one of the sectors of "no man's land" wilds.  These wilds are home to nearly unimaginable terrors that are savagely mutated beyond all recognition even by antihuman standards; outcasts from antihuman society might find themselves banished to the wilds where they'd have to fend for themselves dwelling amongst ruins and cavernous areas within space islands.  In particular his group is concerned about keeping a horde of anabolically enhanced ratling scavenger raiders who like to ravage the antihuman cities in check.  They form a defensive buffer.

Gom:  Gom is a warrior and Zeteg's lackey/second in command.  He and Zeteg maintain and oversee a vanguard space station that circumscribes the primary Niode gate between their home world and the wilds.
They are a bit dismayed to learn that Myco and Drake have totaled their zombified beast mecha guardians but once the two repair them he is glad to show off to the explorers some of the "wonders" of his people's society at their capital city.

Toto:  She is a ratling storyteller who befriends Patrick and Apocalyptor, deciding to be their guide to the Negaverse, reasoning that accompanying them will allow her to have many new stories to be able to tell her nomadic tribe.  One of the first places she takes them to is the large parallel underground city of the Ratpeople Confederation that lies within ancient sewer system complexes beneath the surface of the antihuman capital.

Yithson:  One of the Antihuman elders, he is a very aged singularitarian and serves as the curator and caretaker to the Unnatural History Museum located in the Antihuman capital city.  Due to his age, most of the organic parts of his body (with exception of his lower jaw) have been largely replaced with cybernetics.  Try not to stare at his visible brain encased in an acrylic glass shell while talking to him... his electronic eyes are capable of swiveling along his head to be able to see in multiple directions!  Gom takes Drake and Myco to see Yithson on Zeteg's behest.  His specialties lie in anthropology and archaeology where his many prosthetic limbs aid him in examining recovered artifacts.  Yithson explains to our travelers the symbiotic nature of the relationship between the antihumans and ratpeople and is an expert on the balance of power between transmogrication cults dominating the antihuman cultural landscape. He is wary of the proverbial can of worms that reactivation of a gate between the Negaverse and our dimension has created.

Submitted by Mycobacter#712744