Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Endless Dark

The cold of night wrapped him in it's uncomfortable embrace as he squatted down in the shadows of his hiding place on the rocky outcrop. The cosmic winds ripped at the stone cover around him, and sleeting methane rain sprayed his enviro-suit visor like shotgun fire. Far below him, the enemy encampment was a distant hive of activity as the industry of battle preparation rumbled on into the seemingly endless night.

Here, on Vupa 6, the base-moon of choice for many of the warring unification's in the coming Faction Wars, the nights were many Earth days long. Perfect for a stealth operative to survey his foes undetected. The veteran commander adjusted the range magnifier of his optical scope and picked out the heat-blooms of cannon test fire and reactor core emissions. He panned left, seeking one particular familiar heat signature. Nothing. 'Dammit'! He muttered to himself. His information had been an expensive waste of niodium, and an expense that the source of the information would painfully regret as soon as he returned to the star-port tavern.

The commander drew silently back, further into the shadows, before turning about and starting the long walk back to his skoot-buggy. He had been assured that his old rival would be here; Fighting with this particular faction. He felt the anger rise at the back of his throat and gritted his teeth in frustration as he pressed on into the ebony gloom, eager to return to the bar, to drink away his annoyance and take bitter retribution on the lying bastard who sold him the intel.

Things were still in hand. Time was a luxury he still possessed. Patience and forgiveness? These traits were in short supply right now, and results were all that mattered. With the Faction-wars looming and his own body of clients to appease he needed to settle a few scores. 'Oh well', he thought, 'The night is still on my side'.

Submitted by Steve Ross #162076