Thursday, February 9, 2017

Goliath Rack Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

Today we are looking at the crystal missile launcher known as the Goliath Rack. It is available to levels 40 and up, with no limits or restrictions listed. As usual we'll be looking in the same weapon category to compare it to the weapons above and beneath it level wise.

So at level 34 the Quad Rocket is the weapon to compare, it sports a 36 damage, a speed of 93, and no weapon ability attached to it.

The Goliath rack has the damage advantage, looses out on speed but gives you a weapon ability of Splash at 5%. So clearly an upgrade to its predecessor.

Then at level 45 we have the S2A Missile, which does 42 damage, has a speed of 90, and a weapon ability of Splash at 2%.

Oddly enough the Goliath rack is still a contender, yes it looses out in damage by 2 points, but the speed is comparable, and the weapon ability is stronger by 3%.  So unless you REALLY want those extra 2 damage points honestly there is no hurry to upgrade to the S2A Missile system as the Goliath Rack is a very viable weapon for its level bracket and as we can see even beyond it.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534